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It's Show Time!


Works on this page have been entered into Art Shows.  


All work entered in upcoming shows will be available at the event.  Please either visit the art show or contact either myself or the Art Show Committee if you would like to purchase a piece 

"And Don't Forget to Write"

Acrylic on board, 24 x 24 inches, framed


I was thrilled this work was selected as a finalist for the prestigious 2024 John Villiers Outback Art Prize at the Waltzing Matilda Centre, Winton Queensland.


Please visit the John Villiers Trust website to follow the finalists and judging.  If you will be in Winton please visit the wonderful Waltzing Matilda Centre and see the exhibition.


Artists are often required to submit an "Artist's Statement" about their entry, in this case how it fits the theme "The Outback, A Sense of Place".  In 100 words I tried to describe how bush kids who must go to boarding school always maintain a very strong sense of place no matter where they end up.   I had tears streaming down my face as I wrote and rewrote it!


 Artist's Statement "And Don't Forget to Write"

Susie Goodyear


"To me the Greyhound bus is synonymous with the long and necessary journey of outback kids to boarding school, far away from family and the land they were raised on.


A long  drive to town late in the night, stoic goodbyes, last minute instructions, the door slamming shut on waving parents as the bus trundled east to the next goodbye.


Many kids would only ever be home again for holidays, but regardless of why they left or how long ago it was, they invariably say they're from the Outback, a place and a soul they share with many"


Tastes of Rutherglen Art Prize

08 to 17 March 2024.     for further event details

"Speak Rodgey, Speak!"


Winner People's Choice Award


Acrylic on linen canvas

40 x 40 inches



Working dogs - especially kelpies - are often trained to bark or "speak" on command.   They get to know when they might be asked, and their anticipation is written all over their faces 


Acrylic on canvas

18 x 24 inches, Framed


The old hereford cow who knows every trick in the book, and is way ahead of everyone who tries to rein her in. Glad she's not mine, but I take my hat off to her.

"Quick get me a drink before they cancel that too"

Acrylic on board

30 x 24 inches



SOLD on opening night.  

Recipient of Highly commended Award


 Rutherglen's Victoria Hotel emerged positively glowing from a liquid refreshment - don't we all?!


Looking at the colonial style architecture and the brilliant white paint going over the previous era,  I wryly wondered how long it would be before the Cancel Culture started erasing these buildings purely for their own sense of social redemption.

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